Monday, January 7, 2013

T-Minus 19 Days to Compete...

So, it seems last month, I got this CRAZY idea that I can compete in a CrossFit Competition: the Garage Games....


Now don't get me wrong, I'm basically peeing my pants over the idea that I will have to do things like hand-release push-ups, push-presses and front squats in front of people who are JUDGING me....but honestly, I've never done anything like this before.

"Wait, wait, wait, Rachel: you're a performer! You put yourself out there to be judged all the time!"

The old me would never allow
pictures of me in sweats without
makeup heading to the gym!
Well, I've been singing in front of people since I was 5 years old and I've been acting like a fool to make people laugh for even longer. But this, my friends, is completely different. This is new and terrifying and unfamiliar and just completely out of my known-zone! I'm used to knowing that I will be dolled up, well-dressed, and doing EXACTLY what I know how to do. I've always wanted my outward representation to be my "best" and then I got rid of all that didn't do me justice.

*Flashing back to moment in high school where I finally realized that if you just kept walking to the back of the line, you never actually had to do the pull-ups for "Physical Fitness Assessment." Also, if you made sure to partner with a friend for the sit-ups, you could just pinky-swear to make up "reasonable" finishing scores.*

But this is a RESOLUTION I made to myself--not just for 2013--but when Jaclyn and I decided to bring Pretty-Sick to life: that I need to be the best example I can be for my clients, my family and my friends. I need to put myself out there and yes, MAYBE fail, but show that it's still worth trying. And that next time, no matter what, I will do better. Because taking control of our health/lives/diets/jobs is about that constant and consistent drive to succeed. At these Garage Games I am going to succeed because just DOING IT is a ridiculous jump into Success Town. And I'm going to be sweaty and gross and loud, but no matter what, I'm still going to be a Pretty-Girl, a CrossFitter, a Yogi, a Performer...all those things will be present, because I plan to bring it all.

12 Days of Christmas Workout at CFMTL
I have to give a shout out to the fact that I will also be surrounded by some AMAZING people, both competing with me, and cheering us on. A huge part of these crazy steps towards awesomeness should be credited to them. And when you can find heart-melting, beautiful, talented, compassionate and supportive people to work with, all of these life changing choices just seem...well, easier. 


So let's do this?! Screw those people who scoff at your resolution, because we're changing for life. And NO, that might not happen in those first two weeks at the gym after NYE...but we're not looking for quick fixes, we're looking long-term results.

What are your goals? Where are your benchmarks? What can you do to push yourself to keep going?
I've got a competition in 19 audition in 21....and a tattoo to work on.
Tell me yours. ;)

Oh, and if you want to know the Garage Games workouts, here you go! (FYI: I'm doing the scaled version...NEXT time you'll get me at RX!)

RX: 5 Minute AMRAP
Ascending push press@115#/75# and kettlebell swings@70#/45#, (1/1, 2/2, 3/3, etc.)
Scaled: 5 Minute AMRAP
Ascending push press@75#/55# and kettlebell swings@55#/35#, (1/1, 2/2, 3/3, etc.)

RX: 12 minute AMRAP
100 double-unders, 63 hand release push-ups, 36 front squats@95#/65#
50 double-unders, 42 hand release push-ups, 24 front squats@95#/65#
25 double-unders, 21 hand release push-ups, front squat@95#/65# until time expires
Scaled: 12 minute AMRAP
100 double-unders or 200 singles, 63 hand release push-ups, 36 front squats@65#/45#
50 double-unders or 100 singles, 42 hand release push-ups, 24 front squats@65#/45#
25 double-unders or 50 singles, 21 hand release push-ups, front squat@65#/45# until time expires

RX and Scaled:
5 rounds for time, 12 min cap
5 PVC shoot-thru’s , 10 lateral burpees over PVC, 20 PVC dips

Until next time, Cave-Kids.

This Primal Yogi

1 comment:

  1. Welp, my goals this year is to lose my last 30-50lbs so I can reach my overall weight loss goal and be able to do a perfect push-up. Non-weight related, I would like to be more accepting of myself and my flaws. I know I can do it. I just don't know how long it's going to take -shrugs-
