Saturday, August 31, 2013

Being Paleo and POOR... (Bonus VLOG!)

...can be the PITS.

Vacation included these awesome ducks.
We just got back from a week-long-penny-pincher vacation where Paleo went OUT THE WINDOW--and adding that adventure to this past month of non-stop performances--it's time to get my butt back on the Paleo Bandwagon...but it turns out that's hard to do when moths are flying out of your wallet.

I can already feel the sluggish, "I just want to nap forever" effects of a week-long carb binge and working out today was challenging, but completely rejuvenating! (See below, *wink wink*) But I know that getting a good sweat-on is only half the work; it's time to refill the cabinets and load up the fridge with those colorful, non-pesticide, organic, from the heavens fruits and veggies and lean, grassfed, free-roaming, super organic, angel kissed meats. YEAH RIGHT!

Ok, no no no...this really is going to happen, but probably not on the first trip. Especially when a credit card bill is due and then rent and electric. So it's about making smart choices, cutting corners where you have to, and making the best possible substitutions you can! These days, Farmer's Markets and CSAs are all the rage and with good competition, many of your local farms are putting together great deals on "grab bags" and discount boxes. If you're heading to the grocery store, try try try to stay in season! This may take some Googling beforehand, but prices will always be better if your produce is coming from around the block, rather than around the world.

Your proteins are a similar story, as it's about striving for quality where you can. I understand more than anyone that feeling when you walk into your Whole Foods/Wegmans/Fancy Grocer, pick up that gloriously perfect package of steaks, then chortle at the astronomical price and move on. It happens, one day though, I WILL BUY THOSE! But when it comes to beef, pork, lamb, chicken, eggs, etc--it is possible to eat well.

Take a peek at what they say about fats too, as it's all good advice. In the end, strive for quality, no matter what tier you happen to be shopping at right now.

See! We can and WILL get back on the Paleo-Track...even on a budget.

Now for something completely different!

I was in the middle of Round 4 of my "Vacation Come-Back" workout when I thought..."Hey, why don't I show the folks that I'm really doing all this nonsense. And you can, too!"

So here it is: This Primal Yogi ~ Vacation Comeback WOD.
And don't worry, in time the quality of these videos will skyrocket! This is the beginning. ;)

5 Rounds - Your Choice of Kettle Bell 
(I'm rocking a 35lb)

10 Kettle Bell Swings
10 Burpees over the Kettle Bell
30sec Over-Head Hold
10 Goblet Squats
20 Sit-Ups

Until next time, Cave-Kids!

This Primal Yogi

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