So proud! Oh, and blonde. |
In this past week...I had to do all of the workouts expected of me on Saturday...and yes, the excitement is still there...but so is the thought of peeing my pants.
So I have found that when I need to get out of my worry and find a focal point for this weekend--an inspiration that can lift me back into that space of "YES I CAN"--I find myself thinking of my two heroes, who again I am proud to call friends, and the look on their faces when they pushed through the workout and collapsed in relief and surprise and gratitude at the end. It helps.
Here's to them:
CFMtL Trainer: Dana Pancoast |
Now when you hear "Big Dana," I'm sure you're thinking of something that ISN'T our Big Dana. Yet, there is nothing about her awesomeness that isn't larger than life. I can remember my first days at the gym, when I was just about at "vomit-point" in my foundations and first full classes...or laughing my way through the fact that I couldn't even get my feet off the floor for a ring dip--she was there, soft spoken but encouraging. There is never a moment where she isn't working just as hard as anyone else in the gym (if not 3 times harder), and after finishing her last reps, she's right there calling your name as you push through to the end. It's most likely her, her, her attitude...okay, it's kind of her package deal that makes her the best kind of trainer. She also used to be a swell yoga student...ehem....but I'm not one to judge. ;) I love the days when I walk into the gym and Dana is there to smile and ask me how my day was as I jokingly lament about the WOD: because I know she's got my back the whole way through, and I can only hope that she knows I'm there for her, too.
Newest CFMtL Trainer: Sue Velott |
This simply, in no way could be a post about my heroes if I didn't introduce you to SUE. Oh, the things I can say about Sue! But #1, if you aren't inspired, amazed, and completely in awe of Sue, I say "GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" Okay, that's a little harsh...but seriously, I mean it. From the day she decided that nothing was keeping her from the CrossFit open this year, she has been on fire with conviction and results. I've known Sue--goodness gracious--for almost a year now, and the changes I have seen in her, both physically and emotionally, are breath-taking. She also has a natural knack for making others feel strong and unbreakable! Even after a personal panic attack at the top of the rope (yup, that was me) she was there at the floor to reassure me back to safety, and then magically talk me into jumping onto the 23" box. Because she can just do that! You see that when she puts her mind to something, IT HAPPENS. So when she tells you that you can do something, you don't doubt her. And in all of the classes that I have taught, I've never had a student that inspires me to be a better teacher the way that Sue does. I know I'm a goof and I know that I will always play the goon to make my students comfortable, but Sue's confidence in me when we're in class always has me striving to improve and learn for her. For all the people who come out to our class.
So this is a thank you to my heroes: for being a consistent and constant inspiration to me to be a better performer, a better athlete and a better teacher. And not just Dana and Sue, but all of my heroes that I work beside every day, trying to becoming better examples for ourselves and those around us. You know who you are. ;)
Photo courtesy of hero, "Big Dana." |
NOW: Enough of this sappy crap, check out my star yogi JAMES doing some Camel! That's right, that's my student rocking some ustrasana after his workout.
I. am. so. proud.
Until next time Cave-kids...when I can officially say that I am a CrossFit-Style Competitor.
But not to worry, still your happy-go-lucky yogi, too. ;)
This Primal Yogi
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