Thursday, December 27, 2012

Pre-(NOT!)... POST-Primal Holiday Primer

So remember that time I was going to post a Primal Primer for the Holidays?
SORRY! Primal Goober.

Due to the stress, anxiety and worry of this time of year, my Primal Holiday was an epic fail. Like three nights of macaroni-and-cheese epic. Like chocolate-chip-cookies-for-breakfast-because-I-had-no-groceries kind of epic.

The question now is, “Rachel, why are you sharing your misgivings with us? We would have believed you if you said you hunted down a deer yourself and ate bone marrow soup this Christmas.”

Well my Cave-Kids, it’s because I am human…and living the paleo life isn't easy, but HUMANS really can do it. And because making mistakes is SUPER human (not to be confused with “superhuman”…that comes later). After dealing with the “oh crap, Rachel, you know you shouldn't have done that,” I feel it is important that I share with you the effects of eating like a goober over the holidays:

#1. I am equipped with a migraine, now going on its THIRD DAY. (Oh, Carb Flu, we meet again! Get wise on this beast with this article at Mark’s Daily Apple)

#2. I am crazy lethargic and stupid cranky. (Ps. Thanks to all who deal with me on a daily basis for still being my friend.)

#3. Muscle cramps, stomach cramps, neck cramps from holding up my stupid migraine-head, mental fogginess and overall feeling that I've been in a blender.

Back on track: chicken thigh, veggies,
spaghetti squash
It’s only been three months, but my whole existence now knows what it feels like to…well, FEEL GOOD: to feel healthy, efficient, hydrated, nutrient-rich, clean, sexy, and superhuman because of the way that I eat (and exercise…which I have also flaked on over the holidays). Thus in choosing to go back to old, inefficient, detrimental habits, I’m paying for it.

So I know in my heart and in my head, the only option is getting back on track. I’m pretty sure I could fill a swimming pool with the amount of water I’ve had today; I ate an AMAZING paleo-rific lunch and I’ll be off to the WOD tonight with a little extra workshop as I prepare for my competition next month. And you know what? Just making the decision to get back on track actually put a smile on my face. I crafted my usual to-do list for the New Year today, and it was filled with some really awesome, healthy, and courageous plans for my body and my efforts. I'm beyond ready, because HOLY COW, I’m done feeling like crap.

2013 is the year for us all to be SUPERHUMAN. ;)
This Primal Yoga as Ms. Marvel

Until next time, Cave-Kids: It’ll be a New Year, 3 week until my first competition and an audition, and full of endless opportunity. Damn, that’s awesome.

This Primal Yogi

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