Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Yogi in the Box

As you might have guessed, a yogi in the box usually gets a lot of guff. Now I must admit, upon first glance, not everyone sees a yoga teacher when they see me. Nor do they hear one when I let out a cackle or some other fine form of the English language.
You tell someone you’re a yogi and they are expecting this guy:

Buddha, not to be confused with Rachel

But in reality folks, you’re getting this:
Rachel, not to be confused with your ordinary Yogi
Then once that reality sets in, the tidal wave of “buts” spills on over.
“But CrossFit is so aggressive.”
“But the yelling-weight-throwing drill sergeants are there.”
“But yoga can’t fit in that atmosphere.”

WHOOOOOAAAA!! Hold on just one second there, Caveman.  #1. Yoga belongs EVERYWHERE. #2. Yoga ESPECIALLY belongs there.  When you get down to the bare bones of what Yoga truly is, the practice comes with you, no matter where you are. So if you’re in Tree Pose (Vrksasana) in a crowded airport, or Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) in a silent grove: as long as the yoga is doing you right—your location doesn't matter.

“The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word "Yuj" meaning to yoke, join or unite. This implies joining or integrating all aspects of the individual - body with mind and mind with soul - to achieve a happy, balanced and useful life, and spiritually, uniting the individual with the supreme.” ~ 

When you’re in the gym, what else are you doing but "integrating all aspects of the individual" (mind-body-strength-attention-focus-determination-breath-gusto-awesomeness) and becoming your supreme self? That's why we workout, right?! That's why we do yoga and tai chi and lift weights and run and read and sing, etc., etc., etc. What I want us to make sure that we're doing ALL of this. 

That's my yoga.

“By practicing the step-by-step methods of Yoga taking nothing for granted on emotional grounds or through blind faith we come to know our oneness with the Infinite Intelligence, Power, and Joy which gives life to all and which is the essence of our own Self.” ~

BOOM. Blow your mind with that brilliant-yoga-goodness.

Thus, when I am in the gym—yelling, hooting, hollering, and yes…dropping those weights when they are just too damn heavy—I am still in my yoga zone. It’s about the balance of ME. However, in order to stay yogic in my WOD lifestyle, it’s important that I make sure to regularly get back to that “old school” yoga. Not just for my zen, but for my body. Lifting weights can invite an awful fiasco on your joints, ligaments and bones! Even with perfect form, if you’re not taking time out to give your body that sensual yoga lovin’…you’re setting yourself up for a world of pain and, most likely, a shorter career in the gym.

When you're in class with This Primal Yogi, you'll find ways to connect with that inner-yogi that doesn't necessarily involve traditional meditation (since I know that scares you!), because movement, breath, intensity, tranquility: they are all a part of the process; the practice; the class.

I was recently talking with a dear friend and AMAZING Body and Chi Realignment Therapist (Similar to your "Total Body Reactivation" and/or kinesiology), Keith Segal, (Seriously, go make an appointment with him) and this topic came up beause he came from the gym world before entering into his holistic lifestyle. We're both just itching for people to take the step out on to that tight-rope and walk it with us. A Balanced Life.

 I think my final thought to him came out something like this:
"It's always the "silence" that scares them. But it's not sitting in silence that makes you a yogi; it's finding the stillness in what you already do that gets you there."
Our  2012 "Yoga on the Steps" team in honor of Bea. Get ready everyone: I'm recruiting YOU this year!
(Including Rachel's partner-in-crime over at, Jaclyn!)

So Seriously: Just try a class...any class. Find a teacher you jive with. Find a style you like. Get balanced. I mean it!

This Primal Yogi


They Say It's Your Birthday

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