Saturday, August 31, 2013

Being Paleo and POOR... (Bonus VLOG!)

...can be the PITS.

Vacation included these awesome ducks.
We just got back from a week-long-penny-pincher vacation where Paleo went OUT THE WINDOW--and adding that adventure to this past month of non-stop performances--it's time to get my butt back on the Paleo Bandwagon...but it turns out that's hard to do when moths are flying out of your wallet.

I can already feel the sluggish, "I just want to nap forever" effects of a week-long carb binge and working out today was challenging, but completely rejuvenating! (See below, *wink wink*) But I know that getting a good sweat-on is only half the work; it's time to refill the cabinets and load up the fridge with those colorful, non-pesticide, organic, from the heavens fruits and veggies and lean, grassfed, free-roaming, super organic, angel kissed meats. YEAH RIGHT!

Ok, no no no...this really is going to happen, but probably not on the first trip. Especially when a credit card bill is due and then rent and electric. So it's about making smart choices, cutting corners where you have to, and making the best possible substitutions you can! These days, Farmer's Markets and CSAs are all the rage and with good competition, many of your local farms are putting together great deals on "grab bags" and discount boxes. If you're heading to the grocery store, try try try to stay in season! This may take some Googling beforehand, but prices will always be better if your produce is coming from around the block, rather than around the world.

Your proteins are a similar story, as it's about striving for quality where you can. I understand more than anyone that feeling when you walk into your Whole Foods/Wegmans/Fancy Grocer, pick up that gloriously perfect package of steaks, then chortle at the astronomical price and move on. It happens, one day though, I WILL BUY THOSE! But when it comes to beef, pork, lamb, chicken, eggs, etc--it is possible to eat well.

Take a peek at what they say about fats too, as it's all good advice. In the end, strive for quality, no matter what tier you happen to be shopping at right now.

See! We can and WILL get back on the Paleo-Track...even on a budget.

Now for something completely different!

I was in the middle of Round 4 of my "Vacation Come-Back" workout when I thought..."Hey, why don't I show the folks that I'm really doing all this nonsense. And you can, too!"

So here it is: This Primal Yogi ~ Vacation Comeback WOD.
And don't worry, in time the quality of these videos will skyrocket! This is the beginning. ;)

5 Rounds - Your Choice of Kettle Bell 
(I'm rocking a 35lb)

10 Kettle Bell Swings
10 Burpees over the Kettle Bell
30sec Over-Head Hold
10 Goblet Squats
20 Sit-Ups

Until next time, Cave-Kids!

This Primal Yogi

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Over Indulgence and I.T. Band Basics

Well culminating with an AWESOME day at Six Flags/Great Adventure with the hubs and some homies, this marks the end of our "excess." There was money spent, dinners out (because there was no food in the that's the answer!), DAIRY, and even a gluten frenzy with a belly full of beer over the past week or two. It's official: our bodies and our wallets are paying for it. Both Jordan and I believe that completely cutting everything out to the EXTREME is just asking for trouble, but it's times like these that I definitely know that the dietary changes I have made in the past year are really for the best. Dairy, gluten, sugars, simple carbohydrates--as awesome as I sometimes think they are in the moment, never fill me, satisfy me or make me happy in the long run.

And it turns out that when shopping correctly (because I know that shopping properly for local veggies, fruits and farm raised meats can seem pricey at first!), keeping all the crap in your daily routine tends to deplete the funds even faster!!

So it's back to working out, cooking at home, brewing our own teas and extract syrups for seltzer, and making sure that our "indulgences" come from the amazing Veggie Boxes we get weekly from Robson's Farm! Check them out!

And here enters "The Challenge!" Tentative title: FREE FUN FRENZY!

Aside from our four days of vacation at the end of the month (where we'll still be pretty darn frugal, I swear!) I'm challenging us to 30 days of seeking out as much FREE FUN AS POSSIBLE! I'm not saying we have to have a schedule jam packed with fabulous freebies, but at least for the next month, I'll be passing along some Primal Passages about ouf Free Finds! (Oooh, I love alliterations.) Check back regularly for our cheapskate choices!

Now on to the yogi-goodness! Regularly I'll be breaking down the awesomeness of particular poses and how they can help with your every day life: whether it's for yogis, CrossFitters, weightlifters, runners, dancers, actors, writers, talkers, sitters, standers, you name it!

As this is the first installment, I want to start with a BANG, attacking a common complaint that I hear in the gym: TIGHT I.T. BANDS! ( <-- Learn what they are!) They are a doozy and can do a number on your form if you aren't regularly tending to their needs. Besides foam rolling, adding the following yoga postures to your routine will have those bands singing in no time!


Square Pose
SQUARE POSE is from the Yin Yoga practice. Usually you'll hang out here for a bit--start in a comfortable seated position, and slowly (but surely!) start on whichever side you like and place your ankle on top of the opposite knee. Align your shins as parallel as possible. As long as this feels good within the knees, feel free to add gentle pressure using your hands, or turn this into a forward fold. Repeat on the other side.  I'd give it 10 breaths each. 
Pigeon Pose (modification: pillow under hip)
PIGEON POSE  also know as "One Legged King Pigeon pose" or  "Eka Pada Rajakapotasana" (say that 3 times fast!) is one of my all time favorites and one of the first I will suggest to anyone with I.T. Band, psoas, or hip issues.   Begin on all fours then slide your right knee forward to the back of your right wrist; pulling your right knee as close to parallel to the front of the mat as possible. Use your back toes to straighten the extended knee, placing the front of the thigh to the floor. It should extend straight out of the hip (and not be angled off to the left), and rotated slightly inwardly, so its midline presses against the floor and both hips settle heavy and even toward the floor below you. If the spirit moves you, you can turn this into a forward fold and stretch your arms forward. (NOTE: as shown in the photo, this can be modified by putting a bolster or pillow just under the hip of the BENT LEG.) Repeat on the other side, about 10 breaths each.

Triangle... Revolved Triangle!
TRIANGLE POSE  or "Utthita Trikonasana" is going to be a doozy here, as I revolve you later on! Stand tall then step your right foot backwards, toes pointing out toward the long side of the mat. Raise your arms parallel to the floor, surfer-style! Now on a breath out, extend your upper body directly over the the right leg (little teapot-style), bending from the hip, not the waist! Rotate the torso to the left, and bring your right hand down to a block, your shin, ankle, or the floor outside your right footy. Shoot that left arm toward the ceiling, aligning the shoulders. YOU DID IT! (hold for 5 to 10 breaths and you're golden)

REVOLVED TRIANGLE POSE or "Parivrtta Trikonasana" is a little more challenging, but I promise you--your legs will know its greatness soon enough! From TRIANGLE POSE, draw your extended arm back down to the floor and square your hips over the forward leg. This time you will plant that left hand down to a block, your shin, ankle or the floor. Then slowly but surely, as you twist and rotate to the right, you will peel that right hand up to ceiling and and stack your shoulders once again. Hello I.T. Bands!! I'd give this about 5-10 as well; repeat both poses on the other side.
Eye of the Needle

EYE OF THE NEEDLE or "Sucirandhrasana" is another yogi-trade-secret and the last pose for today that will work wonders on your legs! Lie on your back with your knees bent and the soles of your feet on the floor. Hug your left knee into your chest. Cross the left ankle over right knee. That's step one! Let the left knee relax away from your torso. Bring both your hands to your right hamstring, lifting your right foot off the floor and threading your left hand through your legs to do so. Using your hands, draw your right thigh toward your chest. Try to keep both feet flexed and chill out here for about 10 breaths. Repeat on the other side.


Now get those I.T. bands loose, your hips open, and your body ready now for whatever you throw at it!

Until next time, Cave-Kids!

This Primal Yogi

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The dreaded...Plateau Paranoia.

Ooooooooooh we’ve all been there.

You wake up and take the long way around the scale in the bathroom because you haven’t seen the numbers move in weeks. Maybe your work/friends/canoeing lessons, whatever, have you over-booked and your workout schedule has been out of whack.  It’s possible you’ve been caught as a repeat offender to some cheat meals.  Or you know what, you could be doing exactly the right things—working out, eating well, sleeping like a sweet-cherub baby—and you still fall victim…to the PLATEAU.

Speaking as an experienced Nervous Nelly and a Worry Wart, the second I feel like my progress is slowing; I jump into the Plateau Paranoia.
“What am I doing wrong?”
“Why is this happening?”
“Oh well, guess I should just eat all of the French fries in the world…”

NO, NO, NO, no, no, no, no, and I mean no! We have to see these levels of our progress from the bigger picture. Step back into the world view and see what everyone else is seeing because, I kid you not: you’re probably looking for the wrong things to give you that healthy-body-awesome-work cred!

I’m positive my husband is tired of hearing me complain over the past few weeks about how I’m feeling stuck (and of course, he says I’m full of nonsense—thanks, Jordan!) but being honest, my schedule has been really tight, so my workouts have been sporadic and my meals improvised—but I haven’t really been doing anything wrong. And I definitely haven’t done anything BAD. We can’t punish ourselves for our bodies doing their natural thang…which involves leveling out sometimes! And just for that sucker punch in my self-conscious center, two of my gym girls, who I consistently see progressing and looking gorgeous, complimented me this week! (Thanks Katie B. and Sara B.!)

SO I give us all two GREAT options to get out of our heads:
1) Get back in the gym!
- Now let’s not go crazy, I don’t mean it’s time to get weird and live in the gym. BUT, next time you’re in there, maybe talk it out with your trainer. It could be time to change up the routine. Or when was the last time you pushed for a PR?  And what the hell, have a little fun!

2) Get back in the kitchen!
- This is usually where I find the best ways to jump-start my metabolism again with something local, fresh, and new. Creativity in the kitchen is like the kryptonite to Plateau Paranoia!! Check the CSA situation in your area or look up the local farms. We’re SO happy getting our box of goodies weekly from Robson’s Farm. ;)

Then you can come home to a sweet meal of wild caught fish and local tomato salad!

And realize you’re NOT ACTUALLY IN A PLATEAU AT ALL! Your clothes fit better, people think you look slammin’, and now you have all kinds of food and training options! BOOM.

On the Horizon (super soon!) for THIS PRIMAL YOGI:

We have new Paleo recipes coming, updates on the home garden, yoga routines to help your weight-lifting woes, and regular posts to keep you happy and entertained. Saaaaweeet!

The official This Primal Yogi Avatar!

This Primal Yogi 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

What can happen in 5 months, you ask?

EVERYTHING. Honestly, anything and everything. But let’s begin on an unexpected note with something I saw the other day.

When I can’t make it into the gym, I program my own workouts at home consisting primarily of body weight conditioning (push-ups, air squats, sit-ups, burpees, etc.) and kettle bell work. And it just so happens that the square footage I map out for myself in the living room—just between the lizard tank and the coffee table—is located directly across from a mirror. This was unplanned in the beginning, yet I’ve done my best to use it to my advantage to keep an eye on my form…as opposed to using it as a tool of self-conscious judgment.  Well, it was during one of these at-home-sweat-fests that I caught a glimpse at something I had never seen before.  I was finishing out my third round of kettle bell swings, when I glanced up at the mirror and saw someone other than myself. Sacrificing my time, I landed the kettle bell to get another look at this stranger sneaking a peek at my workout. But as soon as my brain caught up with my eyes, I had the most ridiculous moment thinking, "DAAAAAAAMN!!! Check out those legs! HOLY CRAP...that's me!”  

Check them gams!

I’ve spent so much time worrying over those places that “still aren’t perfect;” my “trouble spots” that frustrate me like no other and often sabotage the proof of all of my hard work. But this was the first time I ever looked at the WHOLE me and saw the significant changes that I’ve made, the progress that’s happening, and this newer body that I should be proud of!

It must have been that spot in the living room, that time of day and the light streaming in, the positioning of the mirror: who knows and who cares! The light created a particular shadow, outlining muscle. Showing off proof that I’ve worked hard to get stronger and leaner.  Huffing and puffing from that last set of kettle bell swings, I smiled. Stupidly overwhelmed by pride. Beauty. Security. All of this work is meaningful. All of this work is worthwhile. And ANYONE can do it. 

It’s this moment, mixed with the ROLLER COASTER that has been my life for the past few months, that has opened my eyes to the future: helping other people do the same thing (get stronger, healthier, happier) is my calling. 
The next phase: teaching and training.
I’m not going to bore you with the nauseating details of my life since my last entry—I apologize for being M.I.A., but I kid you not: everything that could happen…did happen. BUT, I am a firm believer of moving forward and growing stronger.  Quick recap of the highlights:

An amazing experience performing in the musical Hair (which meant kicking it hard to lose several more pounds and tone up for the famous nude scene. OH SNAP!) Being cast in two more shows to do exactly what I love doing and feel great doing it. Celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, sad days, happy days, lost days and new beginnings. Knowing that I am love and supported, through the good and the bad. Working myself to the bone at a non-profit job that fulfilled all of those dream prerequisites I had made for my career yet caused me to lose sleep, worry all the time and become basically a crappy kind of person. LEAVING said job in a moment of triumph and terror. And it was these pivotal moments in time that lead me to my current state of positivity and purposefulness.

Once I rid myself of the confines of what I always “thought I was supposed to do” in a job I “thought I was supposed to have,” the world opened up to me. Opportunities came knocking on my door. Time opened up and I immediately became happier. Now I wake up thinking of the possibilities that are available, as opposed to the walls I once ran into over and over again.

Oh hey, Sammy Jean.
And  with the help my of my new side-kick Sammy Jean, I'm now ready to say, "Let’s do this."

What does this mean? Well! It means that This Primal Yogi is ready to get moving. I’m going to look into becoming a more targeted trainer. I’m going to teach the classes I WANT TO TEACH. I going to take this life by the horns and make it what it should be. Doing what I’m good at and enjoying what I do. Not because I have to, but because I want to.


So the next step from here? Talking to students, studios, gyms and creating my own programing and my own practice. Getting myself back in the gym and feeling good. And looking forward to the life I’m building at home and the future. Life is good, if you can be strong and work through the tough stuff…because there is so much out there that is worth sticking it through.  Quitting is for ninnies…and I’m not into that.
This Primal Yogi

PS. OH YEAH!! I also did this bangarang Mud Run and I’m officially addicted. These people are amazing, and I’m so happy to call them my trainers, students and of course, my friends.

The super muddy CrossFit Mt. Laurel Team

Crawling under barbed mud.

Giant tarp-slide...landing in mud.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Garage Games & Yoga on the Steps

*I’m going to start short & sweet about the conditions of the day, simply because they definitely affected the entire feeling/perception/completion of the event, but then I’m going to focus of the true heart of the matter.*

As this was my first competition, I don’t have anything with which to personally compare the event.  I have been a spectator before, however, so I do have a semblance of what it SHOULD be like from that angle. This particular competition was crowded, freezing, disorganized, dangerous and poorly judged: BUT I STILL DID IT.
Now that’s enough of that. ;)

The Garage Games: Main Street Pride.

You know that moment when you realize, “holy crap…I ACTUALLY have to do this while people I know and care about are watching?!

And then it feels like a kettle-bell is sitting on your chest as you wait your turn. And hours pass while watching your fellow competitors crush the workouts and you lose faith in yourself with the next thought, “What have I done? I can’t do it that fast/well/heavy?!” And the cold seeps through your shoes and two pairs of socks, as your heat continually gets pushed back, while feeling, “It’s going to be so embarrassing when I can’t actually do it, and everyone is watching.” And then you’re standing there in your sectioned off square-footage for the first workout, strangers and friends alike standing 2 feet away behind the precarious caution tape, and the only thought left is, “Well, I’m doing this.”


So I don't (thank goodness) have a shot of myself
for this here's JAMES!
From there, it all just happens. Snowballs, in fact. It’s a “3…2..1…GO” and the KEEP GOING instinct takes over.  My muscles tensed up immediately from the cold as I shot back and forth through the PVC, and there was a moment where all I wanted to do was quit, but then this ridiculously cool and confident instinctual voice BOOMED into my head to say,

“Too damn bad, Rachel; there is no quitting now.”

But even more surprising than that, was my initiative—not just to do it—but to do it RIGHT, and to the best of my ability. WHO AM I?!

I won’t lie, it was damn hard. Cold, slippery, and difficult. I could hear my judge saying, “you can just step over, if you want.” (ie. Instead of the two-footed jump over the PVC to the next burpee, one could simply step over it.) But that wasn’t the workout, that’s not what I had trained to do, and I wanted to do it right. So you’re damn straight, this girl kept jumping! Even as the burpees got harder and the dips felt like death, crazy-primal-Rachel wouldn’t let me give up; and neither would the group of faces DIRECTLY in front of me, cheering me on the whole way. That may have been the best and worst part of the whole thing: having those friends—front and center—watching me as I triumphantly made those jumps…yet, disappointingly slowed my dips. They watched me trip up in my shoot-throughs, but not give up in the burpees. It was amazingly terrifying. Then several expletives and 9 minutes later, I was done.  I was NOWHERE NEAR finishing at the first of my heat, but when he announced the time, my mind screamed, “RACHEL, THAT’S TWO MINUTES FASTER THAN YOUR PATHETIC ATTEMPT AT THE GYM WHERE YOU BROKE THE PVC!!”

I walked away sore and hot and flabbergasted into the arms of that same group of people who were there with me through each excruciating minute. I walked into encouragement, camaraderie, and even a flat out lie, “Rachel, you looked beautiful doing it,” (Thanks, Nick.) a sentiment of sisterhood, “I’m so glad we did it together,” (that means you, Lil’ Dana and Kim.) and even a long lost appreciation, “You crushed that!” (We miss you, Charles.) With two events left, I had assumed I would fall back into worry and anxiety as I waited out the time, but instead I was fueled for more! “One down, what’s two more?!”  More importantly, I had a job to do: I also had to be one of those faces in front of the crowd; I needed to be a voice heard above the rest to help a friend push through that last set. Screw the workouts, the best part of this weekend wasn’t my scores or times (though, they helped), it was the family-atmosphere of friendship and support that we brought with us in our happy-go-lucky-group!


All right, super blurry but
(Where did they come from?!)
Time did move slowly…primarily because of the severe cold, wetness and lack of bathrooms, but the next event was right up my alley anyway: Push-Presses and Kettle-Bell Swings. And once again, I had my girls with me and friends all around. I could see Lisa prepped with the other half of my dynamic duo, TEENIE, poised to take pictures and--contrary to what Nick may have said--I know there was NOTHING pretty about me in this event. Except for the fact that I was again among a group of people who came to do the workouts, and do them RIGHT—making sure to keep an eye on form and performance, instead of taking advantage of poor judging.  I didn’t get to do this one in the gym, but 9 rounds+10 presses feels pretty damn decent. I credit a good portion of it to our good man, Matt, who’s height and proximity to the front of the line made it much easier to hear him and see that he was right there with us the whole way.


Push-Up to Death
10 hours later, this workout is a blur…it was the one I dreaded the most, and yet it was over the fastest. I am just noticing now, though, that I did this one on my own. I suppose I’m only realizing it now, because I can still hear Dana and Tommy as they perched up on a wall, and I can see Carol smiling away in my direction. Once again, I walked away from this one having done something I’d sworn I wouldn’t be able to do: 200 singles in a row. That may sound lame, but SHOVE IT! I figured my calves would have fallen off, but now…*looks down*…still in place.

The overwhelming feeling of “THANK GOD THAT’S OVER” was unexpectedly followed by, “when’s the next one?” WHAT?! Again: WHO AM I?! Finishing out the day watching my girls, Gibby and Sue (remember, my hero?) tackle pulling Fran was the perfect inspirational ending.  We did this: each event, once as individuals, and numerous times as a team effort in support of one another.

Now on to our next point of business.... ;)


It is that time of year once more...where I attempt to rally my troops for support, donations and team members for YOGA ON THE STEPS! This year is a big one: after going back & forth about it for quite some time, I decided that this is the year to start my own team. The Wellness Warriors Team--the team I have LOVED being a part of for the past 6 year; once led beautifully by my mother-in-law--has a wonderful base of participants, and that gets bigger every year! I'm hoping that by breaking out, I can get new interest to the cause. :)

Wellness Warriors 2012
Yoga on the Steps is a fundraising yoga-event for Living Beyond Breast Cancer (where I have worked and volunteered for years) on Sunday, May 19th. Living Beyond Breast Cancer provides education and support programs for women diagnosed with breast cancer of all stages and their families. Last year, the event was so kindly dedicated in memory of my my mother-in-law, Bea, and I want this year to be just as amazing. I want her honor, and the honor of women we have ALL known who have been affected by this disease, to live on in Yoga on the Steps! So this is my call-out to Friends & Family, as well as giving you all proper notice that this is:

CrossFit Mount Laurel's Next Group Event! 
(Tommy Said I could...)

I've got big, scary ambitions as a Team Captain this year, but I hope we all can come together to help make this event a crap-ton of fun. SO for all of you that are now frightened, don't be. Here's the gist:

#1) This is an ALL-LEVELS, "You don't need any yoga experience" event: meaning all of my "inflexible" friends, runners, performers, CrossFitters, etc. have no excuse. It's going to be easy and I'll be there as an assistant instructor to help.

#2) Signing up to join our team is so easy, a wee-baby could do it: Click HERE, which takes you to our team page, "This Primal Yogi Pack," then it gives you the option to login with the social media of your choice (or you can go through and make your own login, whatever). But if you go through Facebook, after this first sign-in, it's a one-click deal from here on out!

  • From here, you can make your own donation page, or it provides you with the basic template; set a donation goal, and you're golden. This site even has pre-written emails that you just fill your contacts in to send out to family, friends, coworkers, etc. for support. SUPER EASY.
  • The minimum donation to participate is $60, which you need to have by the event day: Sunday, May 19th, 2013--which I'm positive you can immediately get from a grandparent or drunk uncle.

#3) I would be happy to plan some "Fundraising-Along-the-Way" events to make this easier/more fun: Some of which can involve beer, I'm sure.

#4) CROSSFIT YOGA SHIRTS FOR ALL!: So, I've learned through the grapevine (it's actually my last week here at LBBC) that CrossFit Mainline recently started a team, and a few others are courting the idea...and I am TERRIBLY competitive. So I want to see as many of us as possible taking over the steps of the art museum. And Hey, Tommy...this might be a lovely marketing tool...WINK WINK. Why not shine like we always do, right?

Honestly, this event is always a good time, then afterwards there's food and an expo of healthy-stuff and clothes and nonsense (Girls, you know that Lulu and Athleta will be there...HEYO!). OH, and if you raise money: YOU GET STUFF! How could I forget! Learn about the incentives HERE.

All right, enough blabbing.
Until next time, Cave-Kids.

This Primal Yogi

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

To My Heroes (Why yes, this post is sappy...)

So proud! Oh, and blonde. 
This month, I witnessed something amazing. I saw six people that I often work side-by-side with--sweating, yelling, laughing, hauling ass together--face a challenge, and crush it all with a smile. I stood along side people I proudly call friends and my CFMtL Family as we cheered until our throats went dry, making sure that the day's competitors knew that we were there with them through every double under, kettlebell swing, snatch and burpee. I saw myself becoming someone better, stronger and happier just by being a part of this world. And I felt myself both cower with anticipation and grow with excitement for my own competition that just so happens to be in 3 days.

In this past week...I had to do all of the workouts expected of me on Saturday...and yes, the excitement is still there...but so is the thought of peeing my pants.

So I have found that when I need to get out of my worry and find a focal point for this weekend--an inspiration that can lift me back into that space of "YES I CAN"--I find myself thinking of my two heroes, who again I am proud to call friends, and the look on their faces when they pushed through the workout and collapsed in relief and surprise and gratitude at the end. It helps.

Here's to them:

CFMtL Trainer: Dana Pancoast
"Big Dana" -
Now when you hear "Big Dana," I'm sure you're thinking of something that ISN'T our Big Dana. Yet, there is nothing about her awesomeness that isn't larger than life. I can remember my first days at the gym, when I was just about at "vomit-point" in my foundations and first full classes...or laughing my way through the fact that I couldn't even get my feet off the floor for a ring dip--she was there, soft spoken but encouraging. There is never a moment where she isn't working just as hard as anyone else in the gym (if not 3 times harder), and after finishing her last reps, she's right there calling your name as you push through to the end. It's most likely her, her, her attitude...okay, it's kind of her package deal that makes her the best kind of trainer. She also used to be a swell yoga student...ehem....but I'm not one to judge. ;) I love the days when I walk into the gym and Dana is there to smile and ask me how my day was as I jokingly lament about the WOD: because I know she's got my back the whole way through, and I can only hope that she knows I'm there for her, too.

Newest CFMtL Trainer: Sue Velott
Sue, a.k.a. "Paleo Sue" -
This simply, in no way could be a post about my heroes if I didn't introduce you to SUE. Oh, the things I can say about Sue! But #1, if you aren't inspired, amazed, and completely in awe of Sue, I say "GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" Okay, that's a little harsh...but seriously, I mean it. From the day she decided that nothing was keeping her from the CrossFit open this year, she has been on fire with conviction and results. I've known Sue--goodness gracious--for almost a year now, and the changes I have seen in her, both physically and emotionally, are breath-taking. She also has a natural knack for making others feel strong and unbreakable! Even after a personal panic attack at the top of the rope (yup, that was me) she was there at the floor to reassure me back to safety, and then magically talk me into jumping onto the 23" box. Because she can just do that! You see that when she puts her mind to something, IT HAPPENS. So when she tells you that you can do something, you don't doubt her. And in all of the classes that I have taught, I've never had a student that inspires me to be a better teacher the way that Sue does. I know I'm a goof and I know that I will always play the goon to make my students comfortable, but Sue's confidence in me when we're in class always has me striving to improve and learn for her. For all the people who come out to our class.

So this is a thank you to my heroes: for being a consistent and constant inspiration to me to be a better performer, a better athlete and a better teacher. And not just Dana and Sue, but all of my heroes that I work beside every day, trying to becoming better examples for ourselves and those around us. You know who you are. ;)

Photo courtesy of hero, "Big Dana."

NOW: Enough of this sappy crap, check out my star yogi JAMES doing some Camel! That's right, that's my student rocking some ustrasana after his workout.

I. am. so. proud.

Until next time Cave-kids...when I can officially say that I am a CrossFit-Style Competitor.

But not to worry, still your happy-go-lucky yogi, too. ;)

This Primal Yogi

Saturday, January 12, 2013

As we put the Pretty-Sick Blog to Pasture...

I just wanted to share a post from that blog that really launched me into my path. It received a great deal of support and then was reprinted for You can head over to that article HERE! But don't you worry about Pretty-Sick: This Primal Yogi and The Barefoot Lymphonista are still blogging hard and staying Pretty. ;)

Finding Yoga in your CrossFit

Research shows that the two types of individuals most prone to injury are individuals who are too flexible and individuals that are too tight. The first causes laxity in the joint, the latter causes problems such as loss of range of motion and pulling of the musculature on the skeletal structure causing improper alignment. With that said, I would recommend an individual supplement CrossFit with a yoga practice about twice a week. More for those who are naturally more rigid and tight as these individuals are more prone to injury.” – Megan Combies, CrossFit and Yoga coach in Santa Cruz, CA1

The first two limbs [of yoga] that Patanjali describes are the fundamental ethical precepts called yamas, and the niyamas. These can also be looked at as universal morality and personal observances.2

When people look at me, I presume the last thing they are thinking is, “oh yeah, that chick’s a yoga teacher,” or “that girl definitely does CrossFit.”  And I guarantee that no one is thinking both. Well, well, well, don’t you feel sheepish.

YAMA - Satya: Truthfulness; non-telling of lies. Satya guides us toward truthfulness of thought, truthfulness of speech, and truthfulness in deed.

The BackgroundI’m loud, spastic, buxom, and clumsy with a penchant to get feisty once you’ve got me going. I have a background in yogic philosophy, which at times will cool me down, but I firmly believe in the here and now. I don’t practice yoga to change that fact—it’s rare that you’ll find me as a silent sister in lotus position for very long—but I use it to bring out the absolute best in the eclectic chaos that is Me (ie. giggling with my students in Happy Baby Pose). It’s through this self-aware yoga practice that I was confronted with the need (read: burning desire!) for more strength in my life: strength of body, strength of purpose, and strength of heart. Enter: CrossFit and my passion to prove to the world that Yogis and CrossFitters are squatting for the same higher purpose!

The “Cute Meet”It was such a whim at the time; it’s almost comical to see what it has become. A friend says she needs a buddy to try out this new gym, there’s a Groupon/Coupon/LivingSocial/SuperDeal that will make it worth my while, and the gym is in my old neck-of-the-woods…I couldn’t refuse. Then I walk into a garage full of weights dropping, music pumping, and scores on the wall…needless to say, I was out my element.
But the voice inside said,

“Remember that crap you learned about not judging others upon first glance? Rachel it’s not crap, it’s the way to live an honest, balanced, respectful life.  Yeah, yeah…”

YAMA - Ahimsa:  Non-violence, non-injury. Kindness and non-violence towards all living things; it respects living beings as a unity, the belief that all living things are connected.
After I was done talking to myself, my group did some basic training with PVC pipe (so a girl like me doesn’t break herself) and was put through a workout of burpees, wallballs and box jumps that I thought might kill me. But unlike the warnings I was given about the aggression I would find there, not once through the entire work out was I yelled at, made to feel inadequate, or pushed beyond my limits. The Strapping, Young Trainer—Tommy—watched us closely and even provided some personalized advice when I told him about an old hip injury.  The greatest thing, however, happened afterward. Everyone was smiling! They were out of breath, yes… but feeling completely awesome. It seemed like the room was filled with people learning something new about themselves and they loved it.

NIYAMA - Svadhyaya: Self-education, education of the Self, which leads to introspection on a greater awakening to the soul and God within.
Then across the box (yes, I’ve learned it’s called the “box”), where the seasoned CrossFitters were doing the actual WOD, words of encouragement came flying in our direction! I’m fairly certain I was given six high-fives and by the end of that hour, I’d made three promises to come back the next day feeling utterly content.

NIYAMA - Santosha: Satisfaction; satisfied with what one has; contentment.
So, I know what you’re saying: I see you putting Yoga in the CrossFit…now how does one get CrossFit in the Yoga? Well once Strapping Young Trainer Tommy and Spunky Fit Trainer Maggie mentioned trying a yoga class that was all I needed. I’ll admit my heart sank as those first classes were lightly attended, but I had to trust that the proof would be in the pudding once people were willing to do as I did on my first day and leave their pre-existing fears at the door.

NIYAMA - Ishvarapranidhana: Surrender of the ego, connecting to the divine within. It is about the quality of intention that we bring to our actions.
The reality arrived during a class of just me and four fellas (two of which were completely new to yoga). A day when we all could have succumbed to our self-conscious moments, but instead we laughed, gave some awkward sighs and finished up with a blissful relaxation. Later that week, two of those fine gentlemen shared how they looked up yoga poses to do at home between classes because they were feeling the difference. (Let’s just say, I walked with a little more bounce in my step that day!)

The Future I can honestly see it in myself as well as in my students. The flexibility offered by incorporating yoga more regularly can make all the difference in the WOD.  Think about the ease with which you guide your body through a Power Snatch or a Clean & Jerk after practicing your breathing through a Sun Salutation. Balance becomes second nature no matter how much weight you add when you master Natarajasana, Dancer Pose. And I can assure you that NO ONE will complain about adding that final yoga pose, Savanasa, into their weekly (preferably daily) routine.

“By becoming more aware of your body, it becomes much easier to find ways to help your body function better both in and out of the gym. Yoga is a great compliment to your CrossFit workout. It can help you bring your workouts to the next level, at the same time it will help reduce stress, calm the mind and release 
your body “ – crossfityoga.com3

Together, CrossFit and Yoga are the perfect pair; complementing each other in their differences while maintaining similar purpose.

NIYAMA - Tapas: Austerity, self-discipline, burning desire, motivation, dedication.
xoxox, Rachel
Tim Huntley, “CrossFit and Yoga – Yin and Yang,”
William J.D. Doran, “The Eight Limbs, the Core of Yoga,” - Courtesy of