Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The dreaded...Plateau Paranoia.

Ooooooooooh we’ve all been there.

You wake up and take the long way around the scale in the bathroom because you haven’t seen the numbers move in weeks. Maybe your work/friends/canoeing lessons, whatever, have you over-booked and your workout schedule has been out of whack.  It’s possible you’ve been caught as a repeat offender to some cheat meals.  Or you know what, you could be doing exactly the right things—working out, eating well, sleeping like a sweet-cherub baby—and you still fall victim…to the PLATEAU.

Speaking as an experienced Nervous Nelly and a Worry Wart, the second I feel like my progress is slowing; I jump into the Plateau Paranoia.
“What am I doing wrong?”
“Why is this happening?”
“Oh well, guess I should just eat all of the French fries in the world…”

NO, NO, NO, no, no, no, no, and I mean no! We have to see these levels of our progress from the bigger picture. Step back into the world view and see what everyone else is seeing because, I kid you not: you’re probably looking for the wrong things to give you that healthy-body-awesome-work cred!

I’m positive my husband is tired of hearing me complain over the past few weeks about how I’m feeling stuck (and of course, he says I’m full of nonsense—thanks, Jordan!) but being honest, my schedule has been really tight, so my workouts have been sporadic and my meals improvised—but I haven’t really been doing anything wrong. And I definitely haven’t done anything BAD. We can’t punish ourselves for our bodies doing their natural thang…which involves leveling out sometimes! And just for that sucker punch in my self-conscious center, two of my gym girls, who I consistently see progressing and looking gorgeous, complimented me this week! (Thanks Katie B. and Sara B.!)

SO I give us all two GREAT options to get out of our heads:
1) Get back in the gym!
- Now let’s not go crazy, I don’t mean it’s time to get weird and live in the gym. BUT, next time you’re in there, maybe talk it out with your trainer. It could be time to change up the routine. Or when was the last time you pushed for a PR?  And what the hell, have a little fun!

2) Get back in the kitchen!
- This is usually where I find the best ways to jump-start my metabolism again with something local, fresh, and new. Creativity in the kitchen is like the kryptonite to Plateau Paranoia!! Check the CSA situation in your area or look up the local farms. We’re SO happy getting our box of goodies weekly from Robson’s Farm. ;)

Then you can come home to a sweet meal of wild caught fish and local tomato salad!

And realize you’re NOT ACTUALLY IN A PLATEAU AT ALL! Your clothes fit better, people think you look slammin’, and now you have all kinds of food and training options! BOOM.

On the Horizon (super soon!) for THIS PRIMAL YOGI:

We have new Paleo recipes coming, updates on the home garden, yoga routines to help your weight-lifting woes, and regular posts to keep you happy and entertained. Saaaaweeet!

The official This Primal Yogi Avatar!

This Primal Yogi 

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